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Astrology has many uses.  Here are just a few of the extra services that can be used separately or in conjunction with Birth Chart Analyses and Forecasts.





The Astrology/Tarot Consult provides a one-year summary of the impact of transiting outer planets on your Birth Chart. A short month-by-month description is also included to understand how these forces are working as a unit. The Three-Card Tarot Reading at the end of this forecast brings you back to the present by providing immediate tools in the here and now.


Please note this Consult does not provide any Analysis of your Birth Chart beyond what you may need to know for the year at hand.


This reading takes 1.5 hours and costs $175.00

This includes an mp3 or CD of the recorded discussion.


This reading can be done in person, via Skype or recorded and sent to you.


This reading provides an overview on the general functioning of any relationship between two people (romantic, family or business), highlighting both the challeges and gifts of the union.


The two Birth Charts are compared through direct inter-aspects (how the planets and angles of one chart affect the other and vice versa) and through use of a Composite Chart (a single Chart formed by two Birth Charts using mid-points).


I provide this service in a recorded verbal format, either with or without my written notes.


The reading will take about 1.5 hours of your time and can be done in person, via Skype or recorded and sent to you.  It includes an mp3 or CD of the recorded reading. 

A Verbal Reading including only the CD recording costs $250.00.

A Verbal Reading including the CD recording and written Notes costs $300.00


Please note the time, place and date of birth are essential.



If you're no longer living in your birth place, this reading is for you!


A Chart Relocation Analysis recasts your Birth Chart to where you're living now and will indicate how moving to a particular place alters and enhances your character. This Analysis can also indicate what you’re meant to learn and experience from being in a particular location.  This service is best used in conjunction with a Birth Chart Analysis.


I can provide this service either in a verbal or written report format for a modest additional cost when you book your Birth Chart Analysis.


Please note the time, place and date of birth are essential.



A Solar Return Chart is cast for the exact degree and minute the Sun returns to the point occupied in an individual’s Birth Chart (usually the birthday).


This Chart is then used as a tool to forecast trends and anticipate events in the year ahead. 


I can provide this service either in a verbal or written report format for a modest additional cost when you book your Birth Chart Analysis.


Please note the time, place and date of birth are essential.


email:                            phone:  (867) 667-6030



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